Even in the time of COVID

You don't have to do this alone.

Pregnancy takes its toll on not only your body but also your mental and emotional health but having the right squad around you makes all the difference.

During my pregnancy, I started to build connections with practitioners and pregnancy specialists that helped ground me and keep my own sanity in check. I’ve since dubbed this team my “healer squad” and they have each played a special role in the pregnancy and postpartum journey.

I’ve put together this free guide to building your own healer squad with tips, personal insights, average costs, and what to expect so you too can build your very own healer squad.

Download the guide to learn how to create your healer squad today!

Prenatal Yoga

Meet Annelise.

Annelise is the owner of {sacred} thread yoga in Atlanta, GA, a 25-year student of yoga and new mom to a powerful little girl. Over the past year, her life has shifted in vast and sometimes wild ways but her passions remain.

She works with people on the yoga mat to reconnect to their strength, quiet the fluctuations of the mind & tap into their deepest wisdom. Annelise's style honors the diversity of our world - including skin tone, age, size of our body - and brings equal parts of strength and softness. With a commitment to authenticity, she works to make this practice accessible and break the myth of what a yogi should look like.

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